Scent of the Month - Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is often raved about its acne treating properties, but besides working miracles on acnes, what are its other special properties?

Tea tree oil is applied to the skin (used topically) for infections such as acne, fungal infections of the nail (onychomycosis), lice, scabies, athlete’s foot (tinea pedis), and ringworm. It is also used topically as a local antiseptic for cuts and abrasions, for burns, insect bites and stings, boils, vaginal infections, recurrent herpes labialis,toothache, infections of the mouth and nose, sore throat, and for ear infections such as otitis media and otitis externa.

Some people add it to bath water to treat cough, bronchial congestion, and pulmonary inflammation.


1. Acne — Tea tree oil is a natural alternative for treating acne. Before use, it is a good idea to test your skin for sensitivity by applying a few drop onto the forearm or behind the ear. If you have irritation, it can be diluted with water. Apply morning and night to affected area and do not rinse. 

2. Nail fungus — Paint tea tree oil full strength on the affected nail 2 times a day for a minimum of 2 months. The results are slow because the nail has to grow out to eliminate the fungus.

3. Insect repellent — Tea tree oil is known to repel mosquitoes, and this is one of my favorite uses for tea tree oil. In a large spray bottle add 2 ounces of tea tree oil and fill the rest with water shake well. Spray the solution onto a small area of the skin to check for irritation before applying to a large area.

4. Athletes foot cure — Apply a coating of tea tree oil to the affected area 2 to 3 times a day, when symptoms disappear, continue to apply for a couple of weeks to ensure fungus is cured.

5. Lice Prevention — Who knew that tea tree oil can be used to prevent lice? Mix a small amount of tea tree oil into your regular shampoo approximately, 10 to 12 drops. This is a really interested use for tea tree oil!

6. Skin tags — Apply tea tree oil to the skin tag and rub, repeat the process several times a day until the tag falls off on its own.

7. All purpose cleaner — Fill a spray bottle with 2 tsp. tea tree oil and the rest with water, this works great as an all purpose cleaner.

8. Ticks — Apply tea tree oil to the skin surrounding the tick, this will usually make the tick unlatch.

9. Wart remover — Apply a couple of drops of oil directly onto wart morning and night until the wart is gone.

10. Flea bites — Apply tea tree oil directly onto bite to help ease pain and itching.

11. Mosquito Bites — relieve itch by applying directly on to the mosquito bite. I’ve tried this and it’s one of my favorite uses for tea tree oil.

12. Ingrown hairs — Apply 1 to 2 drops to affected area every few hours until infection disappears.

13. Mold Killer — Use approximately 2 teaspoons tea tree oil mixed with 2 cups water and apply to mold.

14. Itchy scalp — Applying tea tree oil to the scalp will relieve the itch.

15. Dandruff — Pour a little tea tree oil into your regular shampoo to help control dandruff.

16. Headache — Add a few drops of tea tree oil to a warm damp cloth hold the cloth over face to inhale the vapors.

17. Treat a cold sore — Applying a little tea tree oil to cold sore several times a day can help reduce the severity and the duration of the outbreak.

18. Antiseptic — Apply directly to minor cuts and scrapes to help reduce the possibility of infection.

19. Joint and muscle pain — Mix tea tree oil with your favorite cream and rub onto painful areas.

20. Nasal congestion — Put a few drops of tea tree oil into the water of your humidifier, or boil a cup of water add a couple of drops of tea tree oil and inhale the vapors.



Tea tree oil is POSSIBLY SAFE for most people when put on the skin, but it can cause skin irritation and swelling. In people with acne, it can sometimes cause skin dryness, itching, stinging, burning, and redness.

Applying products to the skin that contain tea tree oil along with lavender oil might not be safe for young boys who have not yet reached puberty. These products might have hormone effects that could disrupt the normal hormones in a boy’s body. In some cases, this has resulted in boys developing abnormal breast growth called gynecomastia. The safety of these products when used by young girls is not known.

Tea tree oil is LIKELY UNSAFE when taken by mouth. Don’t take tea tree oil by mouth. As a general rule never take undiluted essential oils by mouth due to the possibility of serious side effects. Taking tree tea oil by mouth has caused confusion, inability to walk, unsteadiness, rash, and coma.


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